GreenTeaJUG活动 第10期 杭州

时间:2014-05-10 地点:杭州黄龙时代广场(支付宝) 应天书院(14F) 组织:@魔女亲青-Rachel

主题:HSF2.0性能优化及新功能 HSF 服务框架新版本的功能改造和性能的优化; HSF2.0在功能上兼容了DUbbo协议和使用方式,此外,tps由之前的5w提升到13w,介绍优化的一些思路. 讲师:吕仁琦,2007 年毕业于浙江大学软件专业,在道富(杭州)和微策略(杭州)分别工作三年和一年,做金融和通信相关的开发工作;11年加入淘宝中间件,曾参与过中间件 configserver改造,服务治理等工作,在开发web和分布式中间件上有些技术积累。现在再阿里巴巴中间件团队负责服务框架。

主题:Java 8: Create The Future With nine million developers across the globe, Java is the most popular development platform in the world today. With the launch of Java 8 powerful new features will be added across the entire platform: language syntax, class libraries and virtual machine.This session will explain what the main new features are and how they benefit developers. We’ll start with Java SE 8, explaining the basics of Lambda expressions, streams and functions as well as things like the expanded use of annotations, the new date and time API and extension methods. Next we’ll look at Java ME 8 and how new profiles and APIs are targeted at the rapidly expanding Internet of Things development. Finally we’ll take a look at how NetBeans 8 supports all the features discussed in the rest of the presentation and makes developer’s lives easier. 讲师:Simon Ritter, manages the Java Technology Evangelist team at Oracle Corporation. Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K. Originally working in the area of UNIX development for AT&T UNIX System Labs and then Novell, Simon moved to Sun in 1996. At this time he started working with Java technology and has spent time working both in Java development and consultancy. Having moved to Oracle as part of the Sun acquisition he now focuses on the core Java platform, Java for client applications and embedded Java. He also continues to develop demonstrations that push the boundaries of Java for applications like gestural interfaces, embedded robot controllers and in-car systems.Follow him on Twitter, @speakjava, and his blog at

主题:ali-tomcat Ali- tomcat 是阿里巴巴根据自身情况基于apache-tomcat订制的应用容器,增加了模块化特性,代理了所有的日志框架底层实现,实现了更好的监 控和诊断功能,在运维层面也更方便推动一些全网通用的模块(如中间件产品)自动升级。在面向开发人员方面ali-tomcat正在提供更好用的插件,支持 热部署特性。 讲师:王宏江(@hongjiang_wang),博客,2003年毕业于中南大学化学系,有十年以上的工作经验,09年加入阿里,曾参与1688、来往等网站业务方面的开发,有丰富的后端架构经验,现在阿里巴巴中间件团队负责应用容器。对函数式编程兴趣浓厚,scala布道者.

主题:自由讨论及JCP标准化讨论 讲师:莫简豪(@JianhaoMo

Written on May 10, 2014